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Self publishing is a common activity theses days- but to me, someone who has been accustomed to shape shifting and hiding for most of my life, it feels like a strange and awkward thing to do. I am dragging myself into the modern world and rebirthing myself into a new phase of honouring the creative process that unfolds through me...


I first painted this image in 2005, a piece of cotton from a charity shop stretched on a hazel frame was an affordable way of creating myself a canvas, and this image came through- of a woman birthing herself- Volcano Woman I called her. It was a quick impetuous painting... a reflection of me at the time.This was at the beginning of a journey to reclaim my power as Woman- to discover what gifts lay hidden in my womb, gifts that had become invisible to me in my armoured heart, and mind my defensive exterior I had created to protect myself from a painful world...

Volcano woman had a few outings over the years, a wedding, a few festivals, women's spaces, meetings of various kinds, and at least a couple of births...


Then last year a new rebirthing occured. With a home and a place to paint and after ten years of transience and delving into the texture of my inner landscape and beginnning to really feel in my body the gift that woman brings (in her multifacetted ways) and volcano woman called to be repainted to be brought out so she could be seen more clearly...

Woman Birth's herself, volcano woman, Pele.jpg

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